The True Way
The True Way is a path of Self-discovery. A 'pathless' path if you like, discovering the ever-present Awareness-Consciounsess-Being that is here now and has always been here within you.
There are 3 fundamental pillars that allowed for deep unfolding, purification, transmutation and transformation in this one. These are Sacred Silence, Sacred Movement & Sacred Knowledge, and the 'keys' of consciousness, gateways or guideposts we discover within each. Sacred Silence Soften - Rest – Absorb – Bathe In Silence, we deeply rest in the Self, absorbing, infusing and bathing in the Silence of Being. True meditation offers the space to Simply Be as You Are. There is nothing to do and nowhere to go. It is to be conscious of consciousness. Meditation is already here. In Silence, the 'knots' within consciousness can dissolve, and we transcend the ego. Sacred Movement Allow – Surrender - Purify - Embody 'Authentic' movement teaches us surrender and allowance through the body, purifying the system and opening to the naturalness of 'Being moved'. We face the personal one who feels self-conscious, gradually dropping the mask of false identity for True movement to happen. Movement in presence allows the system to release trauma and contractions, allowing energy to move freely, opening the way Home to embodiment. It invites a deeper dropping into the body of Her, The Feminine, uniting Silence with Life for the for the embodiment of Love in form and the capacity to give ourself to the movement of Life unfolding. Sacred Knowledge Open – Listen – Receive - Nourish Gyanam, knowledge of the Self must be known directly, not as a concept, to allow for the dissolution and melting of misunderstandings. The mind may become confused at times, fear may come and True understanding becomes available in the presence of wise beings who are walking the Path alongside us. Ultimately, we are all serving each other. The open field of Satsang, self-inquiry, divine transmission, spiritual guidance and the sangha itself offers a place of support for deeper understanding & true knowledge to take root. Join me for events & Immersions For True nourishment, healing, transmutation & transformation |
"Stay with the Silence that is prior to all thought" |