Holy Human - Summer Solstice Retreat 2025
H O L Y H U M A N - R O O T & R I S E - A W A K E N I N G & E M B O D Y I N G O U R R E A L N A T U R E A S L O V E Silence, Sound & Movement Retreat 27 – 29 June 2025 With Emma Abhijeeta & Nikki Slade Near Lewes, East Sussex You are warmly invited to come together for a profound awakening and rewiring at this crucial time in history as we anchor into the Age of Aquarius – discovering, awakening and deeply embodying what it is to be a True Holy Human in this world, for the good of all and everything. Right here, right now, we stand at the precipice of great transformation, transmutation and rebirth through the resurrection of Mother Matter, birthing ourselves anew. We are fast approaching the Sat Yuga - the age of Truth and Love. The return of God or Spirit is here. At this great turning point in time, we are being called to come Home to the Real, to Pure Love, and the embodiment of that Love, which will guide us through the chaos that is inevitable at the end of the Kali Yuga. True stability, security and peace lies within, not in the unstable structures we have created. As the world shifts, wars erupt and many systems break down, we must find our stability in our True Nature, allowing the power and light of Love to infuse the Sacred Temple of the body for our homecoming. By coming together in this way with commitment, dedication, responsibility, love, sincerity and faith, we awaken to the Divine Love and Light of Mother-Father God, opening, trusting & dropping deeply into the soil the body, discovering what it is to be grounded in Her, in our sexuality, sensuality and creativity, for our birth into pure passion, power, innocence and wholeness. This is Real-Life-Holy Communion, a return to w(holi)ness through the union of the opposite essences within us. Emma Abhijeeta and Nikki Slade are uniting in their shared vision to co-create a deeply devotional space of Love for True healing, nourishment, transmutation & transformation. An opportunity to deepen into our Self beyond the personal and discover how we can live the holy in our everyday lives. We will come together just after Summer Solstice where the days are longest and the light at its fullest. Over the weekend, we will move spontaneously with a flow of guided meditation, voicework, kirtan, movement meditation, deep rest, satsang, sharing, ritual and nature connection to awaken and embody our True nature. Together we meet in the natural, open discovery for the Realisation of Truth, in the holy remembrance of the Pure Light of Love that we are, the naturalness of Being and bring the light of our presence into the ground of the body. There will be space for contemplation, integration, being in nature, reflection and a delicious, vegetarian meals each day. We will have periods of silence over the weekend, so we can rest deeper in the sweet Silence of our True Nature. INVESTMENT (p.p.) Non-residential £333 Residential Options Camping £360 Community building (basic rooms w. communal bathrooms):
Please see Airbnb or local B&Bs for other options nearby if you'd prefer not to stay onsite. Venue postcode is BN8 6BY. Booking: Please transfer £100 deposit with your full name as the reference to: https://wise.com/pay/me/abhijeetas. Your payment confirms your place. Limited capacity for an intimate day together. EARLYBIRD: 10% off for full payments made before 28th Feburary 2025. "The invitation to being HOLY HUMAN is to rest in the pure acceptance and love of everything, all the way to the ground. To hold so strong in our Love, Compassion and Silence that we carry ourselves home to the Mother, deep into the Ground. What awaits us is the most creative, natural, sweet unfolding of Life from a place where we’re no longer looking for confirmation or a right to be who we are. An arrival as Pure innocence itself. In humility, I offer myself in this unfoldment, to be with You through the pains and the fears that arise, to offer a space for us to hold each other as we hear our Mother’s Calling, to discover great strength and courage through our vulnerability and commitment to a True Life. I pray that we come together in the deepest willingness to meet ourselves, all the way to the Ground. That we relax into the body of Her, opening to the flower of Life and it’s blossoming. That we greet ourselves in our wholeness and discover the Reality of Pure Presence, Power and Innocence – becoming W[Holy] Human. with love Emma The benefits of attending an in-person retreat:
I look forward to meeting you here in the Heart of Being and accompanying your journey home to wholeness. with love Emma |
"Immerse in the Glory of your own Self, the Light of Wholeness" |