Sacred Work
I am here to inspire a Truly Given Life.
A life given to Love, to the naturalness of Being. To the knowing of Pure Love, the Silence of Being. To This. Here. Now. Reality. We are here to know ourselves as Divine Love, to emanate, in our own unique way. This is the divine purpose for Life. There is nothing you need to do or change. There is nothing you need to understand. Nothing is needed, other than your own Beloved Self. All that is required is willingness, an open heart & sincerity. To shift the perspective from the thinking-mind to the Heart of Being. To see the Truth that You are already the happiness you seek. You are not the mind, the body, the stories, the personality, the roles you play, the beliefs, concepts, or ideas you hold. You are Divine Awareness-Consciousness-Being awakening to itself. You are Love. You are Life itself. Undivided. Whole. Radiant. Pure. Eternally perfect. There is only One Being manifesting through all these myriad of forms. Every movement you make, every desire you have is a call home to Love. You are unconsciously seeking your Self through every pursuit, through every endeavour. In an endless search to feel better, to be better, to be good, more whole, more clear, more happy, more knowledgeable, more wise, more open…. the list goes on. The seeker will never be satisfied. To come to the Heart, most Beings must come to a point of exhaustion, a collapse, physically, mentally or emotionally. At this point, we stop reaching for fulfilment through experience. We stop seeking something outside of ourselves. We turn the attention inward, to the spaciousness of Being, the Pure Heart. Here, there is Space. Here, there is the availability to discover what is Real. And here is where I can be of service. When the Heart is open, I respond. And Who am ‘I’? We could say that I am the voice of your own Intuitive Heart being reflected to you. Held in Presence, you receive precisely what is needed for your evolution according to your openness & capacity. Is something awakened in you when you read these words? Are you curious to discover and learn about your Self? I invite you to join me in this natural, open discovery for True healing, nourishment, transmutation & transformation: Events 1-1 Healing & Guidance Mentoring Retreats 'We are all walking each other home' Ram Dass You are warmly invited to get in touch. Om Tat Sat with love Emma "There is Reality & there is Fantasy. Reality is what is here. Fantasy is what the mind would like it to be. Which do you choose?" |
Shanti Mantra |