About Emma
In Love, I offer A space to be, to move, to feel, to play, to allow the joyful body of Being To Shine To enlighten our heart-fire To set it free To awaken So, you can Be You And I can Be me In joyful creativity Living free In Love I surrender to thee 💙 Welcome to the Cauldron of Truth, where I invite you to meet yourself truly, wholly, In Love. Is your deepest desire to know who you are? Are you longing for peace, for love, for truth, for freedom? Have you heard the call to come home to yourself, to the stillness of Being? Maybe you want to work with a specific aspect of yourself or a challenge arising in your life? All that is required is willingness, sincerity and an open-heart... I will meet you there, in Love The offerings here are born out of the fire of Love and are ever evolving, as I am, in Love. They have emerged out of a deep process over 22 years unravelling the layers of misunderstanding in the thinking mind. Over the past 15 years particularly, there has been a profound melting away of the 'personal' me and my story. I have been stripped (and continue to be!) of closely held beliefs, ideas and identification. I no longer 'identify' with any role as such; the yoga teacher, therapist, facilitator or the healer. Yet I live 'yoga' and offer space for the realisation of Truth, healing and living wisdom through Being Here fully given to Life and Love. What I know is I am here to serve Love and surrender to Truth - that is my devotion, my dedication. I follow the call of the intuitive heart, wherever it leads. So I am here to serve Love, but how am I to do so? It seems that is an ever evolving discovery. The more 'I' am not doing, the more Love flows like a river unimpeded. There more I deepen into Being, there more innocence and play is available, the more Life becomes a dance with the Divine. Only Love, or God knows how we are to serve in each moment. Our only task is to listen deeply, to rest in the silence of Being, to fully allow and embrace everything that arises in life and be the Goodness that we are. We here to know my Self as Love and to emanate - to sing our unique song within the One Great Vibration of Existence. That is all. Oh, what peace and joy there is when there is no longer 'somebody' seeking to control Life! For the satisfaction of the enquiring mind, I will share a little of my background ... I began practising yoga and meditation when I was in my teens, which later led me to study the art of Traditional Thai Yoga Massage, Reiki, Soul Reading, Energy Healing and Satyananda (Bihar School of) Yoga, which I have practised and taught for over 20 years. I met my Yogic Guru Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati in 2002. I took many initiations throughout this time and spent over 10 years living a Sannyasa life, dedicated to the spiritual path of yoga. I founded and ran a Yoga and Therapy centre in London for 5 years and spent many years teaching thousands of people the yogic path, running retreats and facilitating a space where beings could rebalance, restore and find calm, peace and awareness through yoga. Various experiences allowed for the unravelling of the 'personal' me.... Grace placed me in the ashram at the time of Swami Satyananda Saraswati's Mahasamadhi (conscious leaving of the body) in 2009. I had been praying to have a direct experience of Divine Love for many years and Swamiji's passing offered this. This profound awakening began a very deep process of dissolution, breaking down the layers of conditioning built up over years. The 'doer' was very strong in this one and had to be collapsed. The initiation of motherhood in 2011 allowed for an even greater surrender and continues to be a great teacher, moment to moment. Motherhood also brought the birth of 'Womb Song'; working deeply with women to awaken the power of Shakti, heal the wounds of the Feminine, and embody Her, bringing Love into Form. In 2013, I met a pure embodiment of Love, Sri Saraswathi Ma, with whom I have spent much time sitting with since then. All of these life experiences and many in between offered a direct experience of Pure Love beyond any concept, a Great Fire to burn away untruth and thereby a deep trust and surrender to Life. I am immensely grateful for this process - for in the stripping, the mind no longer minds. I have come to know peace and contentment even in the midst of challenges that continue to arise in life. It is not my life to live and offer myself at the feet of Love in service. Thy will be done. Emerging out of the chrysalis of transformation (the 'cosmic mulch' as Sri Ma once called it), I was called back home the Motherland in 2020 after living in England for 25 years. In Australia, a long held vision of a Sanctuary for beloveds to 'rest, recalibrate and be still' came into manifestation. Sacred Hearth Sanctuary was born on very special, ceremonial land in the Byron Hinterland and hosted many gatherings. This chapter closed recently and the Sanctuary was passed onto new custodians. It seems after 4 years rooting back into the place of my birth, I have been called back to these green lands to be close to my beloved son, Jove Dharmajyoti and serve as a living inspiration for those who feel the call to the heart and have a deep longing to come home to Truth. I look forward to meeting you in the Heart of Being and supporting your journey Home to wholeness. in deep Love and gratitude Emma April 2024 |